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Introducing the Amazon CloudFront Ready Program



We are excited to announce the new [Amazon CloudFront Ready Program]( for AWS Partners with software products that integrate with [Amazon CloudFront](/cloudfront/). As customers have shifted to building applications in the cloud, they require the right tools and software solutions to help them build and distribute scalable, highly engaging applications and online experiences. Amazon CloudFront Ready partners provide solutions-focused offerings to AWS customers in the end-to-end media management, security, monitoring and analytics, and content acceleration space. Their solutions help complement and augment existing AWS services to help customers optimize their use of Amazon CloudFront. Amazon CloudFront Ready software products are vetted by AWS Partner Solutions Architects for their sound architecture, adherence to AWS best practices, and demonstrated customer success. With the new Amazon CloudFront Ready designation, customers can quickly and confidently identify validated AWS Partner software products that support Amazon CloudFront. We invite you to learn more about [Amazon CloudFront Ready Partner offerings](