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Amazon MSK Serverless is now generally available



We are pleased to announce the general availability of [Amazon MSK Serverless](/msk/features/msk-serverless/), a type of Amazon MSK cluster that makes it easier for developers to run Apache Kafka without having to manage capacity. MSK Serverless automatically provisions and scales compute and storage resources and offers throughput-based pricing, so you can use Apache Kafka on demand and pay for the data you stream and retain. With a few clicks in the AWS management console, you can set up secure and highly available clusters that automatically scale as your application I/O scales. MSK Serverless is fully compatible with Apache Kafka, so you can run existing applications without any code changes or create new applications using familiar tools and APIs. With pay-as-you-go pricing, there are no upfront commitments or minimum fees. You pay an hourly rate per cluster and an hourly rate for each partition that you create. Additionally, you pay per GB of data throughput and storage. MSK Serverless also provides private connectivity via AWS PrivateLink, secure client access via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), serverless stream processing and analytics via Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics and AWS Lambda, and schema evolution control via AWS Glue Schema Registry. In addition to these features, MSK Serverless is compliant with GDPR and provides a 99.9% availability SLA. Amazon MSK Serverless launched in public preview at re:Invent 2021 in the US East (Ohio) region. Since then, Amazon MSK Serverless has released availability in 8 additional AWS regions, including US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Stockholm), and plans to roll out support in additional AWS regions over the coming months. To learn more about MSK Serverless , visit our [webpage](/msk/features/msk-serverless/) and the [developer guide](