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Introducing Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations for Amazon DevOps Guru



Today, we are announcing the general availability of a new feature, Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations for [Amazon DevOps Guru](/devops-guru/). As part of this feature, DevOps Guru will ingest Amazon CloudWatch Logs for AWS resources that make up your application, with Lambda being first. Logs will provide new enrichment data in an insight to enable more accurate understanding of the root cause behind an application issue, and provide more precise remediation steps. With this new feature, when an operational metric goes anomalous, DevOps Guru will analyze relevant Amazon CloudWatch Logs and surface log anomalies, such as exception keywords, numerical anomalies, HTTP status codes, and log format anomalies. This information helps target root causes with greater accuracy and increases the precision of remediation steps provided. Additionally, a log sample for each anomaly along with deep link to Amazon CloudWatch will be provided, helping streamline the user's troubleshooting and remediation experience within the DevOps Guru Console. You can enable the Log Anomaly Detection and Recommendations feature today at no additional charge in all Regions where DevOps Guru is available. Amazon DevOps Guru is a Machine Learning (ML) powered service that makes it easy to improve an application’s operational performance and availability. When DevOps Guru detects anomalous behavior in these metrics, it creates an insight that contains recommendations and lists of metrics and events that are related to the issue to help you diagnose and address the anomalous behavior. You can get started with Amazon DevOps Guru by selecting coverage from your CloudFormation stacks or your AWS account. To learn more, visit the [DevOps Guru product page](/devops-guru/) or post a question to the [Amazon DevOps Guru forum](