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AWS announces new edge locations in Vietnam



Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces expansion in Vietnam by launching new edge locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. End users served by these new edge locations will see improvements in application availability, security, and performance. The new locations offer edge networking service [Amazon CloudFront](/cloudfront/) integrated with security service [AWS Shield](/shield/) that includes Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Web Application Firewall (WAF), and bot protection. Traffic delivered from these edge locations is included within the Asia Pacific region [pricing](/cloudfront/pricing/). To learn more about AWS edge locations, see [CloudFront edge locations](/cloudfront/features/). _**Sep 2, 2022:** A previous version of this post incorrectly referenced the AWS Global Accelerator service launched in new Vietnam edge locations. We have plans for launching the service in future and corrected the reference. Currently, you can use Global Accelerator in nearby edge locations such as Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand._