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AWS Budgets now supports filtering by Invoicing Entity and Legal Entity



Starting today, you can now budget by two new dimensions, invoicing entity and legal entity, in [AWS Budgets](/aws-cost-management/aws-budgets/). This additional granularity allows you to setup specific budget thresholds according to your invoice issuer using invoicing entity or AWS Marketplace seller using legal entity. Once you’ve saved your budget, you can then receive alerts when your actual costs exceed (or are forecasted to exceed) your budget thresholds. AWS Budgets is generally available in all public [AWS Regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/). If you are a multinational organization leveraging [consolidated billing](, you can separately track costs originating from your Sellers of Records (SoRs) around the world, such as Amazon Web Services, Inc., Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, or Amazon Web Services Korea LLC by filtering by invoicing entity in your budgets. Using legal entity, you can easily track and alert on costs by individual AWS Marketplace sellers which helps you quickly identify and manage costs associated with specific AWS Marketplace seller, because you can now view the seller names in AWS Budgets. To get started budgeting by invoicing entity and legal entity today, visit the [AWS Budgets Console]( Learn more: * [Budget Filters]( * [AWS Budgets product page](/aws-cost-management/aws-budgets/) * [AWS re:Post on Budgets](