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Recording Google Analytics 4 user events to the Retail API is available in GA



## Feature Recording Google Analytics 4 user events to the Retail API is available in GA. If you have integrated Google Analytics 4 for your user events, you can record the user event data in Google Analytics 4 format directly to the Retail API. To use this feature, see the [Record user events with Google Analytics 4]( documentation. ## Feature A/B experiment traffic monitoring for Retail Search is available in private preview. See the documentation for [A/B experiment monitoring]( A/B experiments compare key metrics between the Retail API and your existing search implementation. After setting up an experiment and its traffic splitting, you can monitor experiment traffic using the Retail console. In the console, you create variant arms that map to each experiment group that you created for the A/B experiment. This allows you to check whether the actual traffic matches the intended traffic split of your experiment. Traffic monitoring can help you determine if differences in traffic are due to a quality gap between services or an incorrect experiment setup. To use A/B experiment traffic monitoring in private preview, contact Retail Support.