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AWS Elemental MediaConnect adds flow alerts for easier troubleshooting



Starting today, [AWS Elemental MediaConnect](/mediaconnect/) has new flow alerts enabling quicker debugging of MediaConnect flows, sources, and outputs. The new alerts are available via the MediaConnect API as a text string and the AWS Management Console under the Alerts tab of a flow. The alerts will complement the existing [CloudWatch Metrics]( and [CloudWatch Events]( for MediaConnect. Using the flow alerts, you can more easily diagnose and fix common problems that occur during the creation and configuration of a flow, such as an input that switches between misconfigured sources or an error with encryption keys. When combined with data from CloudWatch, you have a more comprehensive picture of flow health and status, reducing the time spent resolving issues. Alerts are available in all [AWS Regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) where MediaConnect is available. For more information checkout the [MediaConnect overview page](/mediaconnect/) and read the [MediaConnect documentation](