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Amazon ElastiCache adds support for Redis 7



[Amazon ElastiCache](/elasticache/) for Redis now supports Redis 7\. This release brings several new features to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis: * **Redis Functions**: ElastiCache for Redis 7 adds support for Redis Functions, and provides a managed experience enabling developers to execute [LUA scripts]( with application logic stored on the ElastiCache cluster, without requiring clients to re-send the scripts to the server with every connection. * **ACL improvements**: ElastiCache for Redis 7 adds support for the next version of [Redis Access Control Lists]( (ACLs). With ElastiCache for Redis 7, clients can now specify multiple sets of permissions on specific keys or keyspaces in Redis. * **Sharded Pub/Sub**: Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 7 now gives you the ability to run Redis’ Pub/Sub functionality in a sharded way when running ElastiCache in Cluster Mode Enabled (CME). Redis’ Pub/Sub capabilities enable publishers to issue messages to any number of subscribers on a channel. With Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 7, channels are bound to a shard in the ElastiCache cluster, eliminating the need to propagate channel information across shards resulting in improved scalability. For more details about Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 7 (Enhanced), refer to [Supported ElastiCache for Redis versions]( You can upgrade the engine version of your cluster or replication group by modifying it and specifying 7 as the engine version. To learn more about upgrading engine versions, refer to [Version Management]( Amazon ElastiCache for Redis 7 support is available in all AWS regions, except China (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD) region. To get started, log on to [AWS Management Console](