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Monitor your IoT application’s security posture in AWS Security Hub, now integrated with AWS IoT Device Defender



We are excited to announce that [AWS IoT Device Defender](/iot-device-defender/) is now integrated with [AWS Security Hub](/security-hub/). This integration allows customers to ingest alarms and their attributes from AWS IoT Device Defender Audit and Detect features in one central location, without custom coding. This update can also help offload or reduce the complexity of managing disparate workflows from multiple security consoles when they review devices monitored by AWS IoT Device Defender. Customers can access these benefits by accepting the findings from AWS IoT Device Defender in the [Integrations Page]( of their AWS Security Hub console. Once accepted, users will see AWS IoT Device Defender alarms alongside the security posture status of other AWS services in one unified tool. This feature is available in all regions where AWS IoT Device Defender is available. For more information, refer to AWS IoT Device Defender [documentation](