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Amazon QuickSight launches Textbox



[Amazon QuickSight](/quicksight/) now supports adding Textbox objects to your Analysis. You can use text boxes for common use cases but not limited to title, subtitles, annotations, adding additional information or description for KPIs etc. You can reposition, resize and make your text stand out with various rich text formatting options like font styling, text alignment and text box styling options. Dynamic text values can be added with the help of user defined parameters and system defined parameters like date and page number. See [here]( for more details. The new Textbox will be available in Amazon QuickSight Standard and Enterprise Editions in all QuickSight regions - US East (Ohio and N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland and London), South America (São Paulo) and AWS GovCloud (US-West).