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Manage your resources from AWS Organizations using AWS CloudFormation



AWS Organizations now supports AWS CloudFormation, allowing customers to manage accounts, organizational units (OUs), and policies within their organization using CloudFormation templates. With this latest integration, customers can efficiently deploy multiple organizational elements in a stack, allowing them to more easily scale across accounts with organization policies in place. Cloud architects and organization administrators using infrastructure as code (IaC) can now benefit from additional functionality from CloudFormation to support managing their organization. With stacks, users can simplify infrastructure management, quickly replicate or add multiple resources from organizations concurrently, and easily control and track changes to accounts, OUs, and policies. Support for accounts, OUs, and policies in CloudFormation is available for all commercial [AWS Regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/). Accounts and OUs are supported in AWS China regions and OUs and policies are supported in AWS GovCloud (US). To learn more about this feature, see the [CloudFormation documentation](