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AWS X-Ray adds trace linking for event-driven applications built on Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda



[AWS X-ray](/xray/) adds support for trace linking, enabling customers to visualize, and debug requests as they travel through event-driven applications built using [Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)](/sqs/) and [AWS Lambda](/lambda/). Using trace linking, customers can now see the relationships between services and resources in their event-driven applications leveraging Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda, quickly identify performance bottlenecks, and explore individual requests to find the root cause of application health problems with just a few clicks. Customers with AWS X-Ray enabled on their AWS Lambda functions can start using trace linking without making any changes to their application code or service configuration. Traces in event-driven applications built using Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda are now automatically linked together, so that customers can visualize the end-to-end flow of each request making it easy to find the sources of performance or health events, like how long messages are sitting in Amazon SQS queues before being processed or identify Amazon SQS messages impacting AWS Lambda functions. Customers can also see when multiple requests are processed together as a single batch. Thus trace linking offers critical debugging capabilities, lowering the mean time to resolution for issues in event-driven applications. AWS X-Ray Trace Linking for Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda is now available in all AWS Commercial Regions where AWS X-Ray is available in. To learn more about AWS trace linking for event-driven requests made with Amazon SQS and AWS Lambda, see the following: * Learn how to visualize trace linking and analyze event-driven applications in [AWS X-Ray developer guide]( * Learn how to turn on AWS X-Ray for Lambda functions in the [AWS Lambda developer guide](