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Amazon Translate enables support for files stored in S3 nested folders



[Amazon Translate](/translate/) is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. Today, Amazon Translate launches support for translation of files stored in nested S3 folders. All files under the input S3 folder and its sub-folders will be validated and translated via Amazon Translate’s asynchronous batch translation service. Customers can now preserve their folder hierarchy when they wish to use Amazon Translate and no longer need to use a flat folder structure for their translation jobs. This update is compatible with all the other asynchronous batch translation features. This feature will not support files stored in the root S3 folder. Support for asynchronous batch translation of files stored in nested S3 folder structure is available in all commercial AWS regions wherever asynchronous batch translation service is available. To learn more, please read the Amazon Translate documentation on [asynchronous batch translation](