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Announcing AWS Amplify Library for Android v2.0



We are excited to announce general availability of v2.0 Amplify Library for Android! Amplify Library for Android allows developers building apps for the Android platform to easily include features like authentication, storage, maps, and more. This version of the library has been re-written to improve Android developers’ experience when using Auth and Storage features. The Amplify Library for Android is open source on [GitHub](, and we deeply appreciate the feedback we have received from the community. Developers can use Amplify Library for Android to build apps for Android platforms with Auth, Storage, Geo and more features. Developers have access to Command Line Interface (CLI) tools to configure and manage their cloud resources. Further, developers can access the breadth of AWS services via an escape hatch to the underlying AWS SDK for Kotlin that provides lower-level service-specific APIs. Check out our [blog post]( to read more about what’s new in this release. You can also get started by following our [documentation for Amplify Library for Android](