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Amazon AppFlow now supports Microsoft SharePoint Online as a source



[Amazon AppFlow](/appflow/), a fully managed integration service that helps customers securely transfer data between AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, now supports Microsoft SharePoint Online as a source. With this launch, you can now transfer your unstructured data from SharePoint Online to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) in just a few clicks. This SharePoint Online integration unlocks many use cases such as uploading documents (e.g. PDFs, Word documents, Excel files, etc.), images, and other information to a data lake or centralized storage built on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for applications such as file backup and archival, and help desk management. Visit the [Amazon AppFlow](/appflow/) product page to learn more about the service and [view all available integrations](/appflow/integrations/). Refer to the following [videos and demos](/appflow/getting-started/) to help you get started.