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AWS Copilot announces support for Amazon ECS Service Connect



[AWS Copilot](/containers/copilot/) now supports Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Service Connect, a capability that simplifies building and operating resilient distributed applications. Service Connect enables you to have easier network setup and seamless communication between sevices deployed across multiple Amazon ECS clusters and virtual private clouds (VPCs). Service Connect enables you to add a layer of resilience to your Amazon ECS service communication and get traffic insights with no changes to your application code. With the new AWS Copilot release (v1.24), customers can now enable Amazon ECS Service Connect in their service manifest file by specifying network: connect: true. AWS Copilot enables Amazon ECS Service Connect by default for new applications and services, like load balanced web service and backend web service patterns. For more details about Amazon ECS Service Connect, you can read our documentation [here]( or read the blog post announcement [here]( You can get started with AWS Copilot [here](/containers/copilot/).