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Nimble Studio now supports configurable persistent storage and new EBS volumes



Today, Amazon Nimble Studio announces persistent storage has moved from public preview to general availability. This means faster workstation startup times, and simplified workstation storage volume management for administrators. Additionally, Nimble Studio now supports configurable gp3 [AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS)](/ebs/general-purpose/) volumes, providing up to a 20% lower price point per GB than existing gp2 volumes. Customers can scale volume size, IOPS (input/output operations per second) and throughput, and only pay for the resources they need. Persistence allows artist workstation sessions to “Stop,” preserving the workstation’s Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume, and “Start” from the preserved EBS volume, reducing workstation startup times. Customers using persistence only pay for workstations when they’re in use and are responsible for all EBS storage costs when persistence is enabled. By default, persistent storage is enabled for Nimble Studio. To simplify EBS volume management and cost savings, your persistent EBS volume is deleted automatically when terminating the workstation session. Amazon Nimble Studio absorbs all storage costs for workstation sessions when persistence is disabled. This non-persistent storage solution allows sessions to boot from the customer’s Amazon Machine Images (AMI), or a Nimble Studio provided base AMI, only. When logging off a workstation, customers will only have the option to terminate their sessions. This non-persistent storage includes up to a 500GiB gp3 EBS volume per workstation. Please see [Nimble Studio’s User guide]( for guidance on configuring Start/Stop and EBS volumes. This feature is available in all regions where Nimble Studio is available, see the [AWS Region Table](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) for a full list of available regions. To get started with Amazon Nimble Studio, sign into the [Nimble Studio console]( and select your region.