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Errors generated by GKE applications (that is, applications with a



## Change Errors generated by GKE applications (that is, applications with a[MonitoredResource]( type of `k8s_container`) now support additional labels for metadata extraction. The values of the following labels will now appear in the resource filter and in various tables and displays on **Error Reporting** pages in the Google Cloud console: * The `app` value from your [GKE YAML configuration]( is now used for the primary resource label (also referred to as "service"). * The `pod_name` label of the [k8s\_container]( monitored-resource type is now used for the secondary resource label (also referred to as "version"). We continue to support the use of the YAML `metadata` labels `k8s-pod/serving_knative_dev/service` and`k8s-pod/serving_knative_dev/revision`. These labels are prioritized for users already using them over the `k8s-pod/app` and `pod_name` labels described in this note. But we encourage users to begin using the new labels. If you do not set the `k8s-pod/app` label, GKE application errors continue to use the default service name of `gke_instances`.