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AWS Snow Family now supports Ubuntu 20 and 22 operating systems



AWS Snow Family now supports Ubuntu 20.04 Long Term Support (LTS) and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on [AWS Snowcone](/snowcone/), [AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized, and AWS Snowball Edge Storage Optimized devices](/snowball/). Ubuntu operating systems on Snow devices enable customers to deploy their edge compute workloads such as IoT, AI/ML, and Container workloads on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS versions. To add Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04 to your device, [create an instance]( using [Ubuntu 20.04 LTS]( or [Ubuntu 22.04 LTS]( from AWS Marketplace and then create an image from the instance. Once the image is created in your account, you will be able to select it when creating your Snow jobs. To create a new Snow Family job, log into the [AWS Snow Family console]( Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 on Snow devices are available [in all AWS Regions where AWS Snow Family is available](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) except China (Beijing), China (Ningxia), Middle East (Bahrain), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), and Asia Pacific (Hyderabad). To learn more, visit the [AWS Snow Family documentation]( and [AWS Snow Family product page](/snow/).