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Amazon Chime SDK now supports Hindi and Thai languages for live transcription



The Amazon Chime SDK now supports Hindi and Thai languages for live transcription of WebRTC media sessions. Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add real-time audio, video, and screen share to their web and mobile applications. Live transcription integrates with Amazon Transcribe to generate live audio transcription for use as subtitles or transcripts. The expanded language coverage of live transcription enables customers to reach a broader global audience with a consistent experience in their communication-enabled applications. The Hindi and Thai languages can be selected explicitly or automatically through automatic language detection. Hindi and Thai languages are available for live transcription with any WebRTC media session in any Amazon Chime SDK [meeting media Region](, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. To learn more about the Amazon Chime SDK and live transcription with Amazon Transcribe, review the following resources: * [Amazon Chime SDK]( and [Amazon Transcribe]( websites * [Using live transcription]( in the Amazon Chime SDK Developer Guide * [Live transcription APIs]( in the Amazon Chime SDK API Reference