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AWS IoT Core registry adds additional AWS CloudFormation resource types



AWS CloudFormation now supports AWS IoT Core thing group, thing type and billing group resources. [AWS CloudFormation]( is an infrastructure as code (IaC) service that allows you to easily model, provision, and manage AWS and third-party resources. You can now use an AWS CloudFormation template to pre-configure and deploy AWS IoT Core registry resources for your targeted Internet of Things (IoT) solution in a secure, efficient, and repeatable way. AWS IoT Core is a fully managed service that lets you connect billions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to AWS without provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure. AWS IoT Core provides a [registry]( to establish an identity for devices and track metadata, such as the devices’ attributes and capabilities. Within this registry, you can use ‘thing group ([static thing group]( and [dynamic thing group](’ and ’[thing type](’ to organize things, and use ‘[billing group](’ to tag resources for cost and usage allocation. Thing groups, billing groups and thing types in AWS CloudFormation templates are available in [all regions where AWS IoT Core]( is available. All resource types in IoT Core registry are now supported by AWS CloudFormation. For more information, visit the [IoT resource type reference](