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Amazon EFS now supports up to 10 GiB/s of Provisioned Throughput



Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) has increased the maximum per file system throughput on Amazon EFS Provisioned Throughput mode by 3x. With this launch, you now have a cost-effective way to drive up to 10 GiB/s of read throughput and 3 GiB/s of write throughput for workloads including machine learning, data processing, analytics, and transcoding that demand consistent and high levels of throughput performance. Amazon EFS provides serverless, fully elastic file storage that makes it simple to set up and run file workloads in the AWS cloud. Amazon EFS Provisioned Throughput mode offers a cost-effective, predictable way to deliver the required amount of throughput for workloads that consistently drive high levels of throughput performance, including genomics data processing and video transcoding. This launch increases the maximum throughput available on Amazon EFS Provisioned Throughput mode to 10 GiB/s (from 3 GiB/s) of read throughput and 3 GiB/s (from 1 GiB/s) of write throughput; these limits match the maximum throughput available on Elastic Throughput, the throughput mode optimized for unpredictable or spiky workloads such as machine learning inference, analytics user shares, and CI/CD tools. The increased throughput limits for Amazon EFS file systems using Provisioned Throughput are available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU West (Dublin) Regions. To learn more, see the EFS [Documentation]( To get started, create a file system using the Amazon EFS Console, API, CDK, CFN, or AWS CLI.