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Amazon Location Service now supports API Keys for Maps, Places, and Routes



[Amazon Location Service]( now supports API keys as an alternative for authenticating Maps, Places, and Routes resources, making it easier for developers to create authenticated Amazon Location resources. With API Keys, developers can easily create, manage, and expire access to Amazon Location resources, making it simpler for location based applications to interoperate with Amazon Location Service. In addition to AWS Signature V4 and Amazon Cognito, developers adding location-based features to their applications can now use API keys to authenticate their interactions with Amazon Location resources. API keys can be used to track and control usage, manage billing and costs, and help secure access to Maps, Places, and Routes APIs. Amazon Location Service is a fully managed service that helps developers easily and securely add maps, points of interest, geocoding, routing, tracking, and geofencing to their applications without compromising on data quality, user privacy, or cost. With Amazon Location Service, you retain control of your location data, protecting your privacy and reducing enterprise security risks. Amazon Location Service is available in the following AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (São Paulo). Web developers can use Amazon Location’s [authentication library]( to seamlessly authenticate their API calls and easily integration location-based features into their applications. To learn more, visit to the [Amazon Location Service Developer Guide](