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AWS Cost Explorer announces support for AWS Billing Conductor



Starting today, [AWS Billing Conductor]( (ABC) customers can view proforma costs in AWS Cost Explorer. This release allows ABC customers’ account owners to analyze and save reports of their proforma costs. For example, organizations can use the feature to grant cross-account billing visibility for their business units. Partners can use the feature to give their customers a cost reporting experience in [AWS Cost Explorer]( that matches the customer’s specific pricing agreement. For billing groups with multiple accounts, the billing group primary account can view proforma costs across all accounts in the billing group. Non-primary accounts in an ABC billing group can view proforma costs for their own accounts. AWS Billing Conductor is available in all commercial AWS Regions, excluding the Amazon Web Services China (Beijing) Region, operated by Sinnet and Amazon Web Services China (Ningxia) Region, operated by NWCD. To learn more about AWS Billing Conductor, visit the [product page](, or review the [User Guide]( and [API Reference](