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Anthos clusters on VMware 1.16.0-gke.669 is now available. To upgrade, see



## Announcement Anthos clusters on VMware 1.16.0-gke.669 is now available. To upgrade, see[Upgrading Anthos clusters on VMware]( Anthos clusters on VMware 1.16.0-gke.669 runs on Kubernetes 1.27.4-gke.1600\. ## Feature * **Preview**: You can[migrate from the Seesaw load balancer to MetalLB]( * **Preview**: Support[the load balancing mode for a cluster that has Dataplane V2 enabled]( * **Preview**: Support[user-managed admin workstations]( * **Preview**: Support [preparing credentials as Kubernetes secrets for admin clusters]( See also the[Secrets configuration file]( reference. * **GA**: Support for vSphere 8.0. * **GA**: Support enrolling admin and user clusters in the Anthos On-Prem API automatically to enable cluster lifecycle management from the Google Cloud CLI, the Google Cloud console, and Terraform when the Anthos On-Prem API is enabled. If needed, you have the option to disable enrollment. For more information, see[Admin cluster configuration file]([User cluster configuration file]( * **GA**: Logging and monitoring agents on each cluster now include[kube-state-metrics and node-exporter]( * **GA**: Support for[high-availability control plane for admin clusters]( * **GA**: Support for[VM-Host affinity ]( user cluster node pools. * **GA**: Support for[user cluster storage policy based management (SPBM) ]( * **GA**:[Google managed service for Prometheus]( system metrics. * **GA**: Support[disabling bundled Istio ingress controller]( the user cluster configuration. * **GA**: Enforce[the same project ID and location]( new cluster creation. * **GA**: Support for using `gkectl` to update secret encryption. * **GA**: Support for[enabling or disabling antiAffinityGroups]( ## Change **Version changes:** * Upgraded VMware vSphere Container Storage Plug-in from 3.0 to 3.0.2. * The `crictl` command-line tool was updated to 1.27. * The `containerd` config was updated to version 2. **Other changes:** * The output of the[gkectl diagnose cluster command]( been updated to provide a summary that customers can copy and paste when opening support cases. * In-tree GlusterFS is removed from Kuberentes 1.27\. Add storage validation to detect in-tree glusterFS volumes. * Metrics data are now gzip compressed when sending to Cloud Monitoring. * The stackdriver-log-forwarder (fluent-bit) now sends logs to Cloud Logging with gzip compression to reduce egress bandwidth needed. * Prometheus and Grafana are no longer bundled for in-cluster monitoring and they are replaced with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus. * The following flags in the[stackdriver custom resource]( deprecated and changes to their values aren't honored: * `scalableMonitoring` * `enableStackdriverForApplications` (replaced by`enableGMPForApplications` and `enableCloudLoggingForApplications`) * `enableCustomMetricsAdapter` * Deploying the vSphere cloud controller manager in both admin and user clusters, and enabling it for admin and kubeception user clusters is now supported. * The audit-proxy now sends audit logs to Cloud Audit Logging with gzip compressed to reduce egress bandwidth needed. * Removed `` from the internet preflight check requirement. * The [pre-defined dashboards]( automatically present based on the presence of metrics. * Enabled auto repair on ReadonlyFilesystem node condition * Support the `d` character when using `--log-since` flag to take cluster snapshot. For example: `gkectl diagnose snapshot --log-since=1d` * A new CSI Workload preflight check was added to verify that workloads using vSphere PVs can work through CSI. * Preflight check failures for `gkectl prepare` now block install and upgrade operations. * The kubelet readonly port is now disabled by default for security enhancement. See[Enable kubelet readonly port]( instructions if you need to re-enable it for legacy reasons. * AIS Pods are now scheduled to run on control plane nodes instead of worker nodes. ## Fix The following issues are fixed in 1.16.0-gke.669: * Fixed the[known issue]( that caused intermittent ssh errors on non-HA admin master after update or upgrade. * Fixed the[known issue]( where upgrading enrolled admin cluster could fail due to membership update failure. * Fixed the issue where the CPv1 stackdriver operator had `--is-kubeception-less=true` specified by mistake. * Fixed the issue where clusters used the non-high-availability (HA) Connect Agent after an upgrade to 1.15. * Fixed the[known issue]( Cloud Audit Logging failure due to permission denied. * Fixed a[known issue]( the update operation cannot be fulfilled due to KSA signing key version unmatched. * Fixed a[known issue]( $ in the private registry username caused admin control plane machine startup failure. * Fixed a[known issue]( `gkectl diagnose snapshot` failed to limit the time window for`journalctl`commands running on the cluster nodes when you take a cluster snapshot with the `--log-since` flag. * Fixed a[known issue]( node ID verification failed to handle hostnames with dots. * Fixed continuous increase of logging agent memory. * Fixed the issue that caused `gcloud` to fail to update the platform when the `required-platform-version` is already the current platform version. * Fixed an issue where `cluster-api-controllers` in a high-availability admin cluster had no Pod anti-affinity. This could allow the three`clusterapi-controllers` Pods not to be scheduled on different control-plane nodes. * Fixed the wrong admin cluster resource link annotation key that can cause the cluster to be enrolled again by mistake. * Fixed a[known issue]( node pool creation failed because of duplicated VM-Host affinity rules. * The preflight check for StorageClass parameter validations now throws a warning instead of a failure on ignored parameters after CSI Migration. StorageClass parameter `diskformat=thin` is now allowed and does not generate a warning. * Fixed a false error message for `gkectl prepare` when using a high-availability admin cluster. * Fixed an issue during the migration from the Seesaw load balancer to MetalLB that caused 'DeprecatedKubeception' always shows up in the diff. * Fixed a[known issue]( some cluster nodes couldn't access the HA control plane when the underlying network performs ARP suppression. * Removed unused Pod disruption budgets (such as `kube-apiserver-pdb`, `kube-controller-manager-pdb`, and `kube-etcd-pdb`) for Controlplane V2 user clusters ## Fix The following vulnerabilities are fixed in 1.16.0-gke.669: * Critical container vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2022-29155]( * High-severity container vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2023-0286]( * [CVE-2023-2828]( * [CVE-2023-27561]( * [CVE-2022-29458]( * [CVE-2023-3138]( * [CVE-2020-7712]( * [CVE-2015-3276]( * [CVE-2020-8032]( * [CVE-2023-0215]( * [CVE-2023-0361]( * [CVE-2022-4450]( * [CVE-2023-2454]( * [CVE-2022-29154]( * [CVE-2023-1999]( * Container-optimized OS vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2023-2609]( * [CVE-2023-0386]( * [CVE-2023-1872]( * [CVE-2023-27561]( * [CVE-2023-3090]( * [CVE-2023-24329]( * Windows vulnerabilities: * [CVE-2022-41723]( * [CVE-2022-41725](