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AWS DataSync now provides detailed data transfer task reports



[AWS DataSync]( introduces task reports, a new feature that provides detailed reports of data transfer operations for each task execution. Using task reports, you can track and audit your data transfers, monitor the chain of custody of your files, and troubleshoot transfer errors. AWS DataSync is an online data movement and discovery service. DataSync automates and accelerates transferring data between AWS Storage services, on-premises storage, edge locations, or other clouds. When a task executes, DataSync performs various operations before, during, and after the transfer at your source and destination locations. With task reports, you receive JSON-formatted output files for each of these operations, giving you detailed reports for all files and folders skipped, transferred, verified, and deleted, including any failures. DataSync stores your task reports in the Amazon S3 bucket you specify, making access easy. Task reports include file attributes such as size, path, timestamps, file checksums, and S3 object version IDs where applicable. You can use AWS services such as [AWS Glue](, [Amazon Athena](, and [Amazon QuickSight]( to automatically process, analyze, and visualize the data in these reports, to gain better insights and a holistic view across all task executions. You can use task reports in all [AWS Regions]( where AWS DataSync is available, except the China (Beijing) and the China (Ningxia) Regions. To get started, visit the [AWS DataSync console]( To learn more, view the [AWS DataSync documentation](