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Amplify Studio now offers full support of GraphQL APIs



AWS Amplify Studio is excited to announce full support for GraphQL APIs - all developers using GraphQL APIs created either with Amplify Studio or Amplify CLI will now fully have access to all of Studio’s features. This includes Form Builder, Figma to Code UI generation, and Data Manager. Previously, Studio’s data-powered features were only available to developers using Amplify DataStore. With this launch, we’ve extended access to these features to support all Amplify GraphQL APIs. All new and existing Amplify developers can now generate forms connected to their API, manage records in their API with Data Manager, and create data-bound Figma to React components. This feature is available in all 18 regions where Amplify Studio is available: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), US West (N. California), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Milan), EU (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), South America (São Paulo), and Middle East (Bahrain). Start using Studio features today with any existing Amplify app, or build a new app by [visiting the AWS Amplify console](