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Announcing cross-account support for AWS Global Accelerator



Starting today, AWS Global Accelerator supports cross-account endpoints, allowing you to access endpoints in multiple accounts using a single accelerator Using the cross-account feature, you can use a single accelerator as a fixed entry point to an application running across multiple accounts that uses resources in several different accounts. You can configure cross-account functionality by creating a cross-account attachment, which defines the accelerators, resources, and accounts that have permission to be included. Then you can add, as endpoints, cross-account resources that are allowed for an accelerator, similar to how you add other resources. You can configure cross-account attachments using standard AWS tools, including the AWS Management Console, an AWS SDK, or the AWS CLI. There is no additional charge when you use the cross-account feature in Global Accelerator. To learn more, see the [developer documentation]( in the AWS Global Accelerator Developer Guide. To get started with AWS Global Accelerator, visit the [Global Accelerator product page](