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AWS Lambda adds support for Node.js 20



AWS Lambda now supports creating serverless applications using Node.js 20\. Developers can use Node.js 20 as both a managed runtime and a container base image, and AWS will automatically apply updates to the managed runtime and base image as they become available. You can use Node.js 20 with Lambda@Edge, allowing you to customize low-latency content delivered through Amazon CloudFront. [Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript)](, a developer toolkit to implement serverless best practices and increase developer velocity, also supports Node.js 20. The Lambda Node.js 20 runtime is built on the new [Amazon Linux 2023 runtime](, which is based on the [AL2023 minimal container image]( This provides a significantly smaller deployment footprint than earlier Amazon Linux 2-based runtimes, updated versions of common libraries such as glibc, and a new package manager. The Node.js 20 runtime also provides configurable certificate loading for faster cold starts, as well as supporting new Node.js 20 language features. The Node.js 20 runtime is available in all [Regions where Lambda is available](, except for China and GovCloud Regions. You can use the full range of AWS deployment tools, including the Lambda console, AWS CLI, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM), CDK, and AWS CloudFormation to deploy and manage serverless applications written in Node.js 20\. For more information, including guidance on upgrading existing Lambda functions, see our blog post at [Node.js 20 runtime now available in AWS Lambda]( For more information about AWS Lambda, visit our [product page](