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New from AWS: You can now customize security controls in AWS Security Hub



Today at AWS re:Invent, Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) announced support for customer-specific inputs in AWS Security Hub controls that allow you to customize your security posture monitoring in AWS. Security Hub is a cloud security posture management (CSPM) service with hundreds of managed and automated controls that allow you to monitor your cloud resources and ensure they are configured securely. The new enhancements allow security teams to refine the best practices monitored by Security Hub controls to meet more specific security expectations. Now, you can update certain controls with your specific password policies, retention frequencies, or other attributes—without giving up on any of the benefits of using managed controls. After you update the parameters, Security Hub will produce a new, more relevant, evaluation. By using and customizing the managed controls in Security Hub, you eliminate the repetitive and error-prone work that is involved in creating custom controls for this purpose. You now benefit not just from the implementation of these controls being baked into Security Hub, but also from having them included in its built-in deployment and scoring mechanisms. At launch, Security Hub supports customization in more than 30 of its controls. This new feature is now available in all [AWS Region]( where Security Hub is available, excluding the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions. Learn more: * Try Security Hub free for 30 days on the [AWS Free Tier]( * Consult [Security Hub custom control parameters documentation](