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Amazon Neptune Analytics is now generally available



Today, AWS announces the general availability of Amazon Neptune Analytics, a new analytics database engine. Neptune Analytics makes it faster for data scientists and application developers to get insights and find trends by analyzing graph data with tens of billions of connections in seconds. Neptune Analytics adds to existing Neptune tools and services such as Amazon Neptune Database, Amazon Neptune ML, and visualization tools. Neptune is a fast, reliable, and fully managed graph database service for building and running applications with highly connected datasets, such as knowledge graphs, fraud graphs, identity graphs, and security graphs. With Neptune Analytics, you can find insights in graph data up to 80x faster by analyzing your existing Neptune graph database or graph data from a data lake such as Amazon S3. Neptune Analytics uses popular graph analytics algorithms for operations such as ranking social influencers, detecting groups for fraud, or finding patterns in network activity. By providing an API for loading, querying, and analyzing graph data, Neptune Analytics removes the overhead of building and managing complex data pipelines for analytics. To help you get results up to 80x faster than existing AWS services, Neptune Analytics can load tens of millions of graph connections per second. With Neptune Analytics, you can run similarity searches on vectors stored along with your graph for generative AI applications. Neptune Analytics is now available in the following [AWS Regions]( US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Europe (Ireland). You can create a Neptune Analytics graph from the [Amazon Neptune console](, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or SDK. To learn more about Neptune Analytics, visit the [features page](, [user guide,]( and [pricing page](