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Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller launches zonal autoshift



Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller now offers zonal autoshift, a feature that you can enable to safely and automatically shift your application’s traffic away from an AWS Availability Zone (AZ) when AWS identifies a potential failure affecting that AZ. For failures such as power and networking outages, zonal autoshift improves the availability of your application by shifting your application traffic away from an affected AZ to healthy AZs. To get started, you can enable zonal autoshift for Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer, with cross-zone configuration disabled, using the console, AWS SDK or CLI, or an AWS CloudFormation template. Once enabled, AWS will automatically shift application traffic away from an affected AZ, and shift it back once the failure is resolved. Zonal autoshift includes practice runs, a feature that proactively tests if your application has sufficient capacity in each AZ to operate normally even after shifting away from an affected AZ. You can configure practice runs to apply zonal shift and regularly check if your application can tolerate losing capacity in an AZ. There is no additional charge for using zonal autoshift. Zonal autoshift is now available in all AWS Regions, excluding the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions (Beijing, operated by Sinnet), and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD). To get started, read the [launch blog](, or see the [documentation](