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Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller zonal shift available in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions



[Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller]( (Route 53 ARC) zonal shift is now generally available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East and US-West) Regions. AWS customers and AWS Partners who operate in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can now use zonal shift, a capability in Route 53 ARC that helps you to quickly recover from an issue in an Availability Zone (AZ). With zonal shift, you can shift application traffic away from an AZ for an Application Load Balancer or Network Load Balancer. This action can help you to quickly recover an application in an AZ that has issues, and reduce the duration and severity of impact to the application due to events such as power outages and hardware or software failures. In the AWS Management Console, you can start a zonal shift in the Route 53 ARC console, or directly from an individual load balancer resource in the Amazon EC2 console. You can also use the Route 53 ARC API to programmatically start a zonal shift to move application traffic out of an AZ. Then, when the AZ has recovered, you can cancel the zonal shift so that traffic returns to the AZ. You can use zonal shift with Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers with cross-zone load balancing disabled. See the [AWS Regional Services List]( for the most up-to-date availability information across all AWS Regions for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. To get started, visit our [home page]( or read the [documentation](