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Amazon API Gateway WebSocket APIs now available in the Middle East (UAE) Region



[Amazon API Gateway]( now supports WebSocket APIs in the Middle East (UAE) Region, enabling customers to build APIs with real-time bi-directional communication. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. WebSocket APIs enable real-time bi-directional communication, resulting in richer client-server interactions where services can push data to clients without requiring clients to make an explicit request. They are often used in real-time applications such as chat applications, collaboration platforms, multiplayer games, and financial trading platforms. WebSocket APIs have routes that can be integrated with backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. For WebSocket APIs, you pay only for messages sent and received and the total number of connection minutes. You can create WebSocket APIs through AWS Console and CLI, CloudFormation (CFN), Serverless Application Model (SAM), Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and SDKs. To learn more, visit the [API Gateway developer guide](