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Amazon IVS now supports playback restriction policies



With playback restriction policies in Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS), you can now enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) response headers and geo-blocking for IVS channels without having to implement token authorization. You can use playback restriction policies in Amazon IVS to restrict access to your Low-Latency Streaming videos. With CORS headers, you configure which origins an application can access your live streams from. This feature can be used to prevent the unauthorized embedding of your live streams in third-party websites. Additionally, geo-blocking lets you limit viewership to specific countries to help ensure your live streams are only seen by your intended audience. [Amazon IVS]( is a managed live streaming solution that is designed to be quick and easy to set up, and ideal for creating interactive video experiences. Video ingest and delivery are available around the world over a managed network of infrastructure optimized for live video. Visit the [AWS region table]( for a full list of AWS Regions where the Amazon IVS console and APIs for control and creation of video streams are available. To get started, please refer to: [Use Playback Restriction Policies](