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Announcing support for IdP-initiated SSO with Amazon WorkSpaces Web



Today, Amazon WorkSpaces Web announced support for identity provider (IdP) initiated single sign on (SSO) for standard authentication web portals. IdP-initiated SSO support provides administrators with more options in defining the sign in flow for their users. By allowing IdP-initiated SSO you can create an SSO experience for your users that starts with your IdP sign in page. From there, users can select your WorkSpaces Web portal from a list of approved applications, and launch a session without adding workarounds, bookmark applications, or compromises on the user experience. As of today, customers can add IdP-initiated SSO to standard web portals, helping to reduce complexity and increase choice for administrators. IdP-initiated SSO for standard authentication portals is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland, London), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Singapore, Sydney, and Tokyo). To get started with WorkSpaces Web, log into the [Amazon WorkSpaces Web Console](, and create your web portal. By using IdP-initiated SSO and the [extension for SSO](, you can create a seamless single on experience for your users.