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Amazon Redshift announces auto and incremental materialized views for data sharing consumer tables



Amazon Redshift now supports automatic and incremental refresh of materialized views on the data sharing consumer data warehouses when base tables used for materialzied views are shared data. With automatic and incremental refresh of materialized views, Amazon Redshift identifies the changes to the data in the base tables since the last refresh, and updates only these changes in the materialized views, executing refresh faster as compared to full refresh. All new materialized views on Redshift data sharing consumers get created with automatic and incremental refresh enabled by default. Prior to the support of automatic and incremental refresh of materialized views on a Redshift consumer, you could create materialized views on data sharing tables on the consumer. However, the materialized views needed to be recomputed from scratch leading to the consumption of additional computing resources on the consumer and introducing delays in getting access to the latest data. Now with automatic and incremental refresh, data sharing consumers can finish the materialized views refreshes quickly and gain access to the latest data. The enhanced refresh capability of materialized view on data sharing tables in Redshift is available in all commercial [AWS regions]( where Redshift is available. Refer to the [documentation]( to learn more about the auto and incremental refresh of materialized view on data sharing consumer tables capability.