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AWS Control Tower now supports APIs in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions



AWS Control Tower customers operating in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can now use APIs to programmatically manage controls, perform landing zone operations, and extend governance to organizational units (OUs). AWS Control Tower APIs include [AWS CloudFormation]( support, allowing customers to manage AWS resources as infrastructure as code (IaC). AWS Control Tower APIs enhance the end-to-end developer experience by enabling automation for integrated workflows and managing workloads at scale. Below is the list of AWS Control Tower APIs that are now supported in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Please visit the AWS Control Tower [API reference]( for more information. * AWS Control Tower Control APIs - EnableControl, DisableControl, GetControlOperation, GetEnabledControl, ListEnabledControls, UpdateEnabledControl, TagResource, UnTagResource, ListTagsForResource. * AWS Control Tower Landing Zone APIs - CreateLandingZone, DeleteLandingZone, ListLandingZones, ResetLandingZone, UpdateLandingZone, GetLandingZone, GetLandingZoneOperation. * AWS Control Tower Baseline APIs - EnableBaseline, DisableBaseline, GetBaseline, GetBaselineOperation, GetEnabledBaseline, ListBaselines, ListEnabledBaselines, ResetEnabledBaseline, UpdateEnabledBaseline. AWS Control Tower offers the easiest way to set up and govern a secure, multi-account AWS environment based on AWS best practices. You can enable governance features at scale such as controls, centralized logging, and monitoring. To learn more, visit the [AWS Control Tower homepage]( For more information about the AWS Regions where AWS Control Tower is available, see the [AWS Region]( table.