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BigQuery Studio is now available in additional regions For more information, see BigQuery Studio locations



## Announcement BigQuery Studio is now available in the following regions: * Johannesburg (africa-south1) * Hong Kong (asia-east2) * Seoul (asia-northeast3) * Jakarta (asia-southeast2) * Sydney (australia-southeast1) * Madrid (europe-southwest1) * Turin (europe-west12) * Doha (me-central1) * Dammam (me-central2) * Montréal (northamerica-northeast1) * N. Virginia (us-east4) * Columbus (us-east5) * Dallas (us-south1) * Los Angeles (us-west2) * Las Vegas (us-west4) For more information, see [BigQuery Studio locations]( ## Feature The BigQuery Data Transfer Service for Google Merchant Center supports the [Product Targeting report](