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Amazon CloudWatch launches resource filtering for cross-account observability



Amazon CloudWatch is excited to announce a resource filtering capability for cross-account observability, providing customers with the flexibility to share a subset of their logs or metrics across multiple AWS accounts using configurable filters. Cross-account observability in Amazon CloudWatch allows you to seamlessly search, visualize, and analyze all your metrics and logs, without any account boundaries. With today's launch, you can include or exclude logs and metrics shared across accounts, allowing you to make analysis specific to certain logs and metrics to identify trends and insights. This will help customers to efficiently monitor and troubleshoot issues affecting the health of their applications by only sharing required logs and metrics to a cross-account. Logs and metrics resource filtering for cross-account in Amazon CloudWatch is available in all commercial [AWS Regions]( at no extra cost. With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can start using CloudWatch resource filtering to share a subset of logs and metrics to your monitoring account. Alternatively, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), AWS SDKs, and AWS CloudFormation. To learn more about cross-account observability, please refer to our [documentation]( You can learn more about CloudWatch cross-account pricing [here](