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A weekly digest of client library updates from across the Cloud SDK



## Library A weekly digest of client library updates from across the [Cloud SDK]( ### Node.js ### Changes for [@google-cloud/bigquery]( #### [7.7.0]( (2024-05-03) ##### Features * Add support for RANGE type ([#1352]( ([#1360]( ([961a802]( ### Java ### Changes for [google-cloud-bigquery]( #### [2.39.1]( (2024-04-29) ##### Bug Fixes * @Nullable annotations on builder methods ([#3222]( ([0c5eed1]( ##### Dependencies * Update actions/checkout action ([#3267]( ([c297ed2]( * Update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.3 ([#3258]( ([5215235]( * Update dependency to v2.44.0 ([#3270]( ([ee09ab6]( * Update dependency to v3.5.0 ([e7c6201]( * Update dependency to v1.48.0 ([#3271]( ([3b6e0d5]( * Update github/codeql-action action to v2.25.2 ([#3260]( ([3302dc4]( * Update github/codeql-action action to v2.25.3 ([#3268]( ([1cf2377]( ## Feature [BigQuery Managed Disaster Recovery]( provides managed failover and redundant compute capacity for business critical workloads. It is intended for use in the case of a total region outage and is supported with the [BigQuery Enterprise Plus edition]( only. This feature is now available in [preview]( ## Feature You can now create [AWS Glue federated datasets]( using the the Google Cloud console. This feature is [generally available]( (GA).