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Announcing Amazon Bedrock Studio preview



Today, we are announcing the preview launch of Amazon Bedrock Studio, an SSO-enabled web interface that provides the easiest way for developers across an organization to collaborate and build generative AI applications. Developers can login to Bedrock Studio using their company credentials to build, evaluate, and share generative AI apps. Bedrock Studio offers a rapid prototyping environment and streamlines access to multiple Foundation Models (FMs) in and tools like Knowledge Bases, Agents, and Guardrails. To enable Bedrock Studio, AWS administrators can configure one or more workspaces for their organization in the AWS Management Console for Bedrock, and grant permissions to individuals or groups to use the workspace. Once the workspace is set up, developers can log into Bedrock Studio using their SSO credentials and immediately start interacting with FMs and other Bedrock tooling in a playground setting. There is no additional cost to using Bedrock Studio, customers only pay for Bedrock usage (for example, API calls to FMs and hosting of Knowledge Bases) in the AWS account. To learn more, visit the [Amazon Bedrock Studio page]( Amazon Bedrock Studio is now available in preview in AWS Regions US East (N. Virginia) and US West (Oregon). For more information, see the [AWS Region]( table.