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You can now view granular cost data for more Google Cloud services



## Feature **You can now view granular cost data for more Google Cloud services** * You can now view granular Cloud Logging log bucket cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the `resource.global_name` field in the export to view and filter your detailed log bucket usage. * You can now view granular Managed Microsoft Active Directory cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the `` or `resource.global_name` field in the export to view and filter your detailed domain usage. * You can now view granular Dataproc Metastore cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the `` or `resource.global_name` field in the export to view and filter your detailed service usage. * You can now view granular Cloud Deploy cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the `` or `resource.global_name` field in the export to view and filter your detailed delivery pipeline usage. * You can now view granular Cloud Data Fusion cost data in the Google Cloud Billing detailed export. Use the `` or `resource.global_name` field in the export to view and filter your detailed instance usage. [Review the schema of the Detailed cost data export](