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PostgreSQL version 16 is now generally available. When you use gcloud or the API to create an instance or replica, the following conditions now apply



## Feature PostgreSQL version 16 is now generally available. When you use gcloud or the API to create an instance or replica, the following conditions now apply: * If the database version for the instance or replica that you're creating is PostgreSQL 16, then the default Cloud SQL edition is Enterprise Plus. * If you either don't specify a database version or you specify a version other than PostgreSQL 16, then the default Cloud SQL edition is Enterprise. You can't use the in place major version upgrade feature to upgrade your Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance to PostgreSQL 16. To start using PostgreSQL 16, see [Create instances]( ## Feature You can now use the `gcloud sql instances describe` command or the SQL Admin API to retrieve a list of database versions that are available to your PostgreSQL instance for upgrade. For more information, see [Plan a major version upgrade](