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Looker dashboard updates The following changes have been made to the Looker dashboards in Google SecOps



## Change **Looker dashboard updates** The following changes have been made to the Looker dashboards in Google SecOps: * All dashboards have been moved to the `ingestion_metrics_connector` explore. * The `ingestion_stats`, `ingestion_metric_with_ingestion_stats` and `ingestion_metrics` explores are no longer supported. * The `total_entry_number` and `total_size_bytes` fields are defined in the new explore and used to query the log count and log volume for the Google SecOps Ingestion API. For more information, see the [Ingestion metrics field reference for dashboards]( * The default dashboards for **Context aware detections risk** and **Cloud detection and response overview** have been updated to use a different field for the risk score. It was `rule_detections.outcomes['risk_score']` and is now `rule_detections.risk_score`. This change aligns the risk score in the Google SecOps dashboards to the risk score used in the Google SecOps user interface. * The `severity` field in the **Rules and detections** default **Dashboard** has been updated so that it would show the severity for both Curated Detections and custom rules.