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AWS ParallelCluster 3.12 now available with custom image build enhancements



AWS ParallelCluster 3.12 is now generally available. This release makes it possible to include Lustre and NVIDIA software components in ParallelCluster custom images. Now, you can include ParallelCluster's recommended Nvidia drivers and CUDA libraries in custom images. This update also makes the Lustre client optional to account for scenarios where you may opt for alternative storage solutions. To enable these optional software components when creating custom images, configure the NvidiaSoftware and the LustreClient parameters in the [build image configuration file]( when using the build-image command. For more details on the release, review the AWS ParallelCluster 3.12.0 [release notes]( AWS ParallelCluster is a fully-supported and maintained open-source cluster management tool that enables R&D customers and their IT administrators to operate high-performance computing (HPC) clusters on AWS. AWS ParallelCluster is designed to automatically and securely provision cloud resources into elastically-scaling HPC clusters capable of running scientific, engineering, and machine-learning (ML/AI) workloads at scale on AWS. AWS ParallelCluster is available at no additional charge in the AWS Regions listed [here](, and you pay only for the AWS resources needed to run your applications. To learn more about launching HPC clusters on AWS, visit the AWS ParallelCluster [User Guide]( To start using ParallelCluster, see the installation instructions for ParallelCluster [UI]( and [CLI](