The Cloud Data Fusion version patch revision is generally available (GA)
## Fix
The Cloud Data Fusion version patch revision is generally available ([GA]( includes the following changes:
* You can generate audit logs that record data plane activities within your Cloud Data Fusion instance. [Data plane audit logging]( is available in Preview for RBAC-enabled instances.
* To improve the API response time, by default, all program activity records older than 30 days are cleaned up. Any activity older than 30 days isn't visible in the Cloud Data Fusion studio ([CDAP-14950](
* When using role-based access control, performing the List Pipelines operation requires `datafusion.pipelines.list` permission, in addition to `datafusion.namespaces.get` permission. For more information, see [RBAC roles and permissions]( ([CDAP-20931](
* Fixed an issue causing the flow control metric, `flowcontrol.launching.count`, to overcount in cases where servers were restarted when a pipeline run was in progress ([CDAP-21046](
* Fixed an issue causing the flow control metric, `flowcontrol.launching.count`, to be stale after a restart when no pipelines were running ([CDAP-21048](
* Fixed an issue causing the default max concurrent runs limit for triggers not to appear in the web interface, making it difficult to tell if triggers were working as intended ([CDAP-21072](
* Fixed an issue causing the top panel of the **Studio** tab to disappear when you edited a pipeline draft that's based on a pipeline from an earlier Cloud Data Fusion version ([CDAP-21073](
* Improved performance by removing a call to the list apps API during pipeline deployment when checking if a pipeline already exists ([CDAP-21074](