Apigee - December 20th, 2024 [Announcement, Change, Feature]
## Announcement
On December 20, 2024 we released an updated version of Apigee.
**Note:** Rollouts of this release to production instances will begin within two business days and may take four or more business days to complete across all Google Cloud zones. Your instances may not have the feature available until the rollout is complete.
## Feature
**Support for environment-level client IP address resolution**
This release introduces the ability to specify, per environment, how to capture the client IP address on API requests from the X-Forwarded-For header. When configured for the environment, the specified client IP address is used to apply security actions, populate the `ax_resolved_client_ip` Analytics variable and the new `client.resolved.ip` flow variable. The new configuration option can be used to specify the request IP address used in Advanced API Security.
This functionality is not available in Apigee hybrid at this time.
For more information and usage instructions, see the [Client IP resolution customer documentation](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/system-administration/client-ip-resolution), [Analytics dimensions](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/analytics/analytics-reference#dimensions), and [client flow variable](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/reference/variables-reference#client).
## Announcement
On December 20, 2024 we released an updated version of Apigee.
**Note:** Rollouts of this release to production instances will begin within two business days and may take four or more business days to complete across all Google Cloud zones. Your instances may not have the feature available until the rollout is complete.
## Feature
**Support for environment-level client IP address resolution**
This release introduces the ability to specify, per environment, how to capture the client IP address on API requests from the X-Forwarded-For header. When configured for the environment, the specified client IP address is used to apply security actions, populate the `ax_resolved_client_ip` Analytics variable and the new `client.resolved.ip` flow variable. The new configuration option can be used to specify the request IP address used in Advanced API Security.
This functionality is not available in Apigee hybrid at this time.
For more information and usage instructions, see the [Client IP resolution customer documentation](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/system-administration/client-ip-resolution), [Analytics dimensions](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/analytics/analytics-reference#dimensions), and [client flow variable](https://cloud.google.com/apigee/docs/api-platform/reference/variables-reference#client).
## Change
**Dynamic Backend Authentication support for Connectors**
Application Integration now supports dynamic backend authentication for connectors. Enable **Authentication Override** in Integration Connectors to allow your connections to seamlessly switch between authentication methods during runtime.
For more information, see [Configure authentication override](https://cloud.google.com/application-integration/docs/configure-connectors-task#configure-authentication-override).
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