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Amazon EC2 Im4gn Instances are now available in Europe (Spain) region



Starting today, Amazon EC2 Im4gn Instances are available in Europe (Spain) region. Im4gn instances are built on the AWS Nitro System and are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. They feature up to 30TB of instance storage with the 2nd Generation AWS Nitro SSDs that are custom-designed by AWS to maximize the storage performance of I/O intensive workloads such as SQL/NoSQL databases, search engines, distributed file systems and data analytics which continuously read and write from the SSDs in a sustained manner. AWS Nitro SSDs enable up to 60% lower latency and up to 75% reduced latency variability in Im4gn instances compared to the third generation of storage optimized instances. These instances maximize the number of transactions processed per second (TPS) for I/O intensive workloads such as relational databases (e.g. MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), and NoSQL databases (KeyDB, ScyllaDB, Cassandra) which have medium-large size data sets and can benefit from high compute performance and high network throughput. They are also an ideal fit for search engines, and data analytics workloads requiring fast access to data sets on local storage. The Im4gn instances also feature up to 100 Gbps networking and support for Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) for applications requiring high levels of inter-node communication. Get started with Im4gn instances by visiting the [AWS Management Console](, [AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)](, or [AWS SDKs]( To learn more, visit the [Im4gn instances page](