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IPv6 compatibility for AWS Secrets Manager VPC Endpoints



AWS Secrets Manager now supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), Dualstack compatibility for Virtual Private Cloud through [AWS PrivateLink]( With this, Secrets Manager is now fully compatible for IPv6 connectivity in all commercial regions via PrivateLink networking. IPv6 addresses global increase in the demand for internet connected devices, without the need for NAT and is largely scalable. With simultaneous support for both IPv4 and IPv6 clients on Secrets Manager endpoints, you are able to gradually transition from IPv4 to IPv6 based systems and applications, without needing to switch all over at once. This also enables you to meet IPv6 compliance requirements. With this launch, you can choose to connect using the new protocol over both the public internet and via PrivateLink. IPv6 support for Secrets Manager is available for PrivateLink endpoints in all commercial regions, China regions, and the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Refer to Secrets Manager [documentation]( for more details.